Work From Home Jobs in New Zealand



Prompted by a recent post on home based business opportunities in South Africa (where I lived in a previous life) I thought a similar post for work from home jobs in New Zealand would be a good idea.

Aotearoa – the land of the long white cloud where we are innovative, can solve any problem with #8 wire (and duct-tape) and have a “can-do” attitude!

Life can be tough, even in beautiful New Zealand where house prices are among the highest in the world. And as we all know if the mortgage/rent and other home expenses, such as rates, insurance, power and water are high there is not much money to spare at the end of the month.

We are a country with a lot of small-business owners, self employed professionals and contractors and sole traders – all of which have their ups and downs.

For most Kiwis, including those in permanent employment, there just seems to be too much month at the end of the money!

Time to change that …

So today I am going to write about a specific home based business that anyone can get started on.

You don’t need any experience and you don’t need to lay out any cash.

You will need a computer and an Internet connection – which you already have if you are reading this.

A Global Opportunity – from the comfort of your home

The enormity of the possibilities is hard to grasp and even harder to explain.

I am not talking of a get-rich-quick-scheme – we have lotto for that.

Life-of-Lawrence-Affiliate-Marketing-a-global-opportunityI am talking about an online business that extends way beyond New Zealand’s shores that can earn you money in US Dollars, Sterling or Euros.

What’s more you don’t need any stock and you don’t have to deal with clients.

Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it?

Well I can assure you it is possible if you are prepared to learn all about the business, do the groundwork and persevere.

I have recently noticed a plethora of adverts promoting seminars, right here in New Zealand about selling on Amazon, and being able to make a fortune.

Most of these seminars have been sell-outs which tells me us Kiwis are hungry for some extra money – and who wouldn’t be?

The problem I have with the seminars is they cost money to attend and then you have to invest a substantial amount in buying into the program to get started. From there on-in it is one up sell after the other until you are so deeply invested you feel you can’t withdraw – so you hang in there waiting for a return on your money.

Don’t get me wrong you can make money by selling on Amazon (and I do) but you don’t have to spend a fortune to do it, you just have to know how and what to sell. You can learn this stuff for free and I can show you where to get that sort of information.

Today’s subject is a work from home opportunity called Internet Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing And You …

Internet Affiliate Marketing opportunities really are endless.

In the next paragraph I will explain in greater detail how it all works but for now I want to explain why anyone can do it.

No matter what your situation in life is – you are unique and can use your life’s experience to create a successful business as an internet affiliate marketer.

What are your interests, your hobbies, your fears, your goals and your experiences?

All of these niches (and many more) can be utilised to create a very successful full time online business.

As I sit here at my desk typing I look around and see my coffee mug, a bottle of plant powered laundry liquid, my MAC computer screen, a photograph of my children my leather wallet (no money in it on a Sunday morning) and a set of car keys.

  • Coffee is a lucrative niche – people buy this stuff online.
  • Plant based cleaning aids is a niche – you better believe it!
  • Computers are a niche – you may even have bought yours online.
  • Photography is a huge niche – believe me I am a photographer and have thousands of dollars of gear, most of which I bought online.
  • Parenting is a niche.
  • Cars is a huge niche

I think you get the picture as to what a niche is but you may not yet grasp the global opportunity that Internet affiliate marketing offers.

For more detailed (and a much better) explanation of a niche read and watch the video on this page.

Let me explain how affiliate marketing offers us all a global opportunity.

Internet Affiliate Marketing – Your Global Opportunity

The best definition of Internet AffiliateMarketing (IAM) I have ever heard is:

“Selling other peoples products to people you will never meet in countries you may never visit”.

And that is precisely what it is.

The internet has indeed changed the world into a village and we can now enter homes in far away places at the click of a button.

Where are you reading this from?

I am in Silverdale on the North Shore in Auckland and we have connected through the Internet.

Chances are you too are in New Zealand but you could be anywhere in the world.

I find that quite amazing.

Internet Affiliate Marketing takes advantage of this scenario by allowing anyone in the world to promote other people’s products.

Having mentioned Amazon – let me use them as an example.

Amazon has an affiliate program which you can join – yes you.

Once they have approved your application they will designate a specific code within your own personal account to identify you as the introducer (affiliate). Work-from-home-jobs-in-New-Zealand-choose-a-niche

Now let’s say you wanted to promote an All Blacks rugby jersey – did you even know you can buy them on Amazon?

To do this you would go into your affiliate account and do a search for the product by entering “All Black Rugby Jersey” – this will take you to a page with one or more options where you can make your selection and “Get Code” – copy that code and use it to promote the AB jersey on your website.

Don’t have a website? No problem I’ll show you how easy it is to build one in a minute but for now let’s continue with the process …

When the third party clicks on the link, with your code embedded in it, they will land up at Amazon on that products page where they can buy the AB Jersey.

Amazon knows that this customer was sent to them by you and to thank-you for the introduction they will pay you a commission.

One of the really cool things about Amazon’s program is if the customer decides to buy anything else while they are there – and they often do – you will get paid a commission for all the purchases made.

The following graphic explains the process in a visual format:

For text only links.Work-from-home-jobs-in-New-Zealand_amazon-linking-sequence

Linking an image within Amazon into your site.


With the links embedded in your site any purchases that anybody makes from clicking the link you will get paid a commission for the sale.

The process described above is the same for all vendors who has an affiliate program.

The point is you can sell products you don’t own to people you will never meet from and in countries you may never visit – from your home!

What You Need to Get Started … and how it works

As I said earlier all you need to get started is computer and access to the internet. That’s it!

You do not need any experience and you do NOT need to buy anything.

It’s a simple 4 step process …

Step 1 – Select a niche and choose a domain name for your website. My domain name on this site is “Life of Lawrence”

Step 2 – Create your own website which you will use to promote your niche. Don’t panic about creating a website I’ll show you how easy it is in a minute. Add content to your website in the form of pages and posts and images that are of interest and useful to your niche market. What you are reading is a post.

Step 3 – Sign up to relevant affiliate plans and add the links into your posts’ contents. I’ll show you how to do this too.

Step 4 – Earn money from sales made.

Note that at no point do you have to carry any stock, deliver it or even deal with customers. All that is done by the vendor.

Your job as an affiliate is to get the customer to your website and then send him to the vendor


“It has to be harder and more complicated than that?”

It really is that simple but of course there are skills that you need to learn – the first of which is to build a website. This is much easier than most people realize.

This site – the one you are currently reading – is done on what is known as a WordPress platform, the most popular way of creating websites as no coding experience is required.

I think now would be a good time to introduce you to Wealthy Affiliate (WA) – a site I have been a member of since 2006. WA is the best affiliate training program in the world and have created hundreds of thousands of successful Internet Affiliate Marketers. And there are a bunch of Kiwis there too.

Here’s the lesson on how to build your first website in under 5 minutes – click on the Image below.


WA has thousands of lessons just like this and over 300 hours of training videos – each explaining in step-by-step detail everything you need to know to create a successful affiliate marketing business.

You can learn more of what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer in my full review.

Additional Income Opportunities … from the skills you learn

Affiliate marketing training is the core focus of Wealthy Affiliate there are some incredibly profitable spin-offs to be gained from the skills you will learn.

Here are just a few:

  • Build websites for small or large businesses.
  • Host the websites at Wealthy Affiliate and charge a monthly fee.
  • Buy and sell (flip) websites.
  • Charge for your services as an SEO (search engine optimisation) expert.
  • Create your very own products to sell online.
  • Utilise YouTube for marketing.
  • And many more ways of monetising your new skills.

Click on the image below to read the full context of Dylan’s success.


Pretty awesome to make that sort of money in addition to what he makes as an affiliate marketer.

You probably have a question for me …

What’s The Catch … What does it cost?

There is no catch and you can try it out for FREE!

Wealthy Affiliate have two membership levels – the first level is free to allow you to discover, and even try it out before you decide.  This is done to give you as much hands on experience of the level of training and membership guidance as possible.  We want you to make an informed decision that you feel comfortable with.

If you think Affiliate Marketing is something you can get involved in then you are encouraged to become a premium member where you will enjoy all the benefits and tools on offer.

Hopefully you will like what you see and join me and about 1.4 million other members.


I hope to see you on the other side and look forward to helping you reach your goals.


Today you were introduced to something pretty unique and exciting.

An opportunity to shape your own future with a work from home job in New Zealand that encompasses every corner of the world. All from the comfort of your own home – no having to sit in traffic for hours every day.

I welcome any questions you may have – drop them in the comments below.

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