A Wealthy Affiliate University Review – The Largest University in the World Without a Campus


Having been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for 13 of the 17 years they been around I decided a Wealthy Affiliate University Review (the largest university in the world without a campus) was long overdue.

Is it really the largest University in the world? I don’t know for sure but with over 1.4 million current students it has to be up there.

I’ve received an awful lot of top quality training from Wealthy Affiliate (WA) and thought it was time that I acknowledged it and passed the information on to others to join me in a wonderful, fun business doing something I love.

17 Years and millions (yes millions!) of students later Wealthy Affiliate is still regarded as the most comprehensive and ultimate in affiliate marketing training.

And for good reason.

You’re probably wondering what is taking me so long to graduate (or you have concluded that I am the worst student in the world) – the truth is Wealthy Affiliate is so much more than a University providing it’s students/members with the cheapest website hosting on the planet, the best keyword research tool, a virtual community cafe and much much more.

I think I am here for life.

An Example of Just One Technique I learned Using One of WA’s Many Tools …

The title of the post “A Wealthy Affiliate University Review” may seem strange as the “university” part was dropped from the company’s name some years ago.

The reason for this particular choice is to take advantage of what is known as the “low-hanging-fruit” keyword technique – this type of keyword has very little competition.  Basically it is accepted that the best fruit is almost always at the top of the tree but to get to it is pretty difficult.  On the other hand there is often lots of very deliciously plump low-hanging fruit that is much easier to get to.

At Wealthy Affiliate this key strategy is part of the extremely successful methods they teach

Let me explain that in a bit more detail before elaborating on what all is on offer at Wealthy Affiliate.

  • Firstly the idea is to always rank on page one of google searches for all the posts you write – that’s the goal as taught at Wealthy Affiliate. Ranking on page 1 guarantees receiving some “traffic” without which you would have no business.
  • According to the Jaaxy keyword tool, provided by WA, the keyword “A Wealthy Affiliate University Review” is searched on average 136 times a month – there are still people out there who know WA by the original name and search for it using that exact phrase.
  • Once on page 1 of google searches for this particular keyword you can potentially get 24 views (traffic) to your site.
    There is competition for this particular keyword as there are 25 other websites on the Internet using this exact keyword.  But 25 is very little competition in the affiliate marketing world and WA teaches you how to look for these keywords. This type of keyword, the low hanging fruit type, allows us to rank highly in a shorter space of time.

If you look at the screen shot below there are a lot more searches for similar keywords, such as “Wealthy Affiliate Review” with 524 searches (in the Ave. Column). But competition is much higher at 214 competing websites almost 10 times more competition (QSR – Quoted Search Results) and therefore much harder to rank on page 1.

Even if you do rank on page 1 for the higher competing keyword the potential traffic is only slightly less than 4 times what you could expect from the less searched keyword. In pure math terms it means ten times greater effort for potentially 4 times the reward. You are much better off finding 3 more “low-hanging-fruit” keywords to get the same amount of (or more) traffic to your site.

And 3 more keywords ranking on page 1 of searches will give you a total of 4 pages on page 1 making your entire site that much stronger and more loved by Google.

In affiliate marketing you soon learn that Google makes the rules by which we play.

Because of the additional Google juice created by the lower competing keywords ranking you will find that you climb up the rankings for even the toughest keywords.


A Wealthy Affiliate University Review - an image showing the technique of finding keywords using the Jaaxy keyword tool


You’ll learn all this and so much more at Wealthy Affiliate – a true University in my eyes.

Here’s a link for you to try it out for yourself. Type in any keyword search phrase you like to see how powerful Jaaxy is.
Go – you can’t break it.

I’ll be giving you more information on Keywords and Jaaxy as we go along, for now I wanted to pique your interest.

This may all sound very foreign to you – and believe me it was to me, but read on as I delve into more detail about what is available through Wealthy Affiliate (University) and how it will benefit you.

Success or Failure In the Online World – what separates them?

The success or failure of any business can be attributed to many things.

I firmly believe that in the online world the difference between the two is the training you receive and putting into practice the right strategies in this ever evolving industry. It also means keeping up and adjusting to that evolution.

You may already have spent a lot of hours researching opportunities and might still not be sure what path you want to take, that is perfectly alright and quite normal. There is a ton of information out there – some of it is excellent while some of it is not so good and, sadly, a large proportion of it is just downright lies coated in a way to fleece you of your time and your money.

In this review my aim is to provide you with an honest and detailed description of what Wealthy Affiliate provides and how they provide it.

At the end of it I am confident you will be able to make an informed decision whether what they offer is the platform for you.

What I will NOT be telling you is that it is easy and that you can succeed overnight – it’s just not that easy and will take consistent effort on your part.

I am confident that you will be pleasantly surprised.

The Wealthy Affiliate Platform Features – Going Strong Since 2005

The Internet is strewn with businesses that have folded within months and thousands that haven’t lasted as long as even 5 years.

Yet Wealthy Affiliate has not only survived, they have thrived and grown exponentially for 17 years.

What has made Wealthy Affiliate so successful is their commitment and dedication to their core principles which they started out with, their dedication to helping people succeed online. And to do so in an ethical, open and honest manner. From my own personal experience staying abreast of the ongoing changes (especially those that Google make to their algorithms from time to time) is a daunting task, keeping ahead of them is impossible.

Through all the years of change the Wealthy Affiliate team’s reputation has gone from strength to strength.

In the beginning they provided their members with a few basic affiliate marketing aids – although it was a lot at the time and saved the members weeks of research.

Initially they provided a weekly list of keywords to be used in Pay Per Click campaigns.

It was a great success and members (me included) loved the service and we were keen to learn more because being online was so exciting and so much fun. Waking up in the morning to see that your campaign had cost you $5.00 overnight in advertising and earned you more (sometimes much more) in commissions is a feeling that is hard to explain – you really do need to experience it to understand.

Wealthy Affiliate kept on adding benefits at no extra cost:

They gave us the ability to talk to each other, to share experiences and ideas.

WA created probably the best Internet Affiliate Marketing forum there ever was.

The help that other members provide is invaluable and that help continues today, on a more modern platform, through live chat and several other means to communicate with the over 1.4 million WA members.

Mind blowing if you think about it.

They gave us personal help and one-one-one coaching from Kyle and Carson the two young Canadian founders.

This set many of us on the path to success.

Some members even became excellent coaches themselves and helping others became their specialty. Names such as PotPie Girl, The Bum Marketer (Travis Sago), Dave B and others became household names on the Internet.

As the membership grew and the demand for additional coaching and resources increased they employed specialist coaches – such as Jay Neill, who gives live video coaching each Friday afternoon on a variety of subjects. Something every member should make an effort to watch if they want to advance rapidly.

Incidentally all Jay’s videos are uploaded and available to review at any time to members.

They produced step-by-step training on all aspects of online marketing through video and written tutorials; building websites, Pay Per Click marketing, email marketing, mastering SEO, flipping websites – the list of benefits keeps growing as Wealthy Affiliate keep adding more and they are always two steps ahead of the market.

They gave us tools to make our lives easier such as the Jaaxy keyword tool (arguably the best on the Internet), they gave us website building tools using WordPress.

We got Site.Rubix.com where we can test out ideas without having to commit funds.

They included hosting in our membership.

As a premium member you can host up to 10 sites.  These can be your own domain names or free ones available through Wealthy Affiliate’s “site.rubix.com” platform or a combination of the two.

Free starter members are entitled to host one site with Wealthy Affiliate – this can be your won or a site.rubix version.

They started offering domain names cheaper than you can get anywhere else with renewal rates fixed and guaranteed not to rise – ever.

We got fixed membership prices although prices have increased over the years from $25.00 per month to the current $49.00 per month. Membership has been at this level for several years now and seem set to stay there.  When there is an increase it applies only to new students and not to current ones.

They created their own affiliate program with and annual incentive of an all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas for a mind blowing convention – something we all strive for.

The list goes on and continues to grow as the staff of 25 work behind the scenes to keep members happy. WA knows that happy clients stay forever and spread the word – look at me.

And of course happy clients become successful clients who talk to others about their success and experience.

Not only is Wealthy Affiliate the place for affiliate marketers to learn how to start and grow their businesses, it is also the place where you can rub shoulders (so to speak) with some of the most successful marketers on the planet. And believe me when I tell you we don’t believe there is such a thing as a stupid question. Senior members are there to help and to pass their knowledge on knowing that by doing so they are not only helping others but are quite often learning something new themselves.

As far as I know only 3 things are forbidden:

  1. Spam is a not acceptable under any circumstances
  2. Being nasty and getting personal with other members
  3. Discussin and debating religion and politics

We’re all there with one purposes in mind and that is to succeed online and WA is their to facilitate that.

The Process of an Online Business

At Wealthy Affiliate you are going to learn the proper process to starting and building a successful online business in any niche you choose.

The first thing you will be encouraged to do is decide on a niche.

First off – what is a niche?

Click Here to watch a video from Kyle himself  explaining what a niche is  in one of the many training videos available at WA. No point in me rehashing the whole thing when you can get it from the horse’s mouth.

You do not need any prior knowledge to be able to start a business.

At WA you will be taught everything you need to know in order to get started and grow your business. More about what type education and training is available follows below.

Having selected your, niche comprising a group of people who are interested in the product you are promoting, you need to present that product to them.

Online this is accomplished by using a website – again you will be taught how to build an effective website from scratch even if you have no prior experience.

Once your website is set up it’s a matter of driving relevant traffic through the door and assisting people to make an informed decision.

This process of driving traffic to your website is done through high quality content; this post is content – hopefully you are finding it useful, content is king!

Trust me (and trust WA) if you write quality content Google with love you and rank your site highly. And high rankings lead to quality and relevant traffic which will ultimately convert to sales.

Here is a simplified visual of the process.


A Wealthy Affiliate University Review a graphic showint the process of affiliate marketing with the customer visitng and buying from a site and the affiliate getting paid


It really is that simple but only if you understand all aspects of the process

The fun part is learning all the steps from understanding the customer purchasing cycle, selecting a product and affiliate program (thousands of vendor’s have affiliate programs allowing you to market their products) and building a website to doing research and writing quality content. Every phase is interesting and fun and can be very challenging.

At Wealthy Affiliate you will be taught the 4 step process.

  1. Choose a niche/interest. Something you are passionate about is a good place to start
  2. Build a website – you’ll be surprised how easy it is.
    In as little as 5 minutes you could literally have your website up and running. Naturally it will have very little content to start but we will teach you how to add relevant content.
  3. Find and Attract Your Customers. Get the smarts on how to get lots and lots of traffic without paying for it through organic searches.
  4. Earn money – can you imagine waking up in the morning and seeing that money has appeared in your account overnight?
    It’s truly an amazing feeling to know you have made a connection with a customer somewhere “out there” who has trusted you enough to buy a quality product you have recommended.

The Training Courses at Wealthy Affiliate University

There is so much training at WA it’s hard to know where to start but I’ll give it a go.

The training will suit all levels of Internet affiliate Marketers from the newbie who has absolutely no idea through to very experienced marketers – there is something for all levels.

Catering for all learning styles the format of the training includes text learning, video training, live classes, webinars and community support plus members training – created by members and shared with the community. It’s quite amazing how much the members learn and share in their research.

A Wealthy Affiliate University Review - screenshot of a handful of the coursesincluded at Wealthy Affiliate UniversityThere are literally thousands of resources and over 300 hours of recorded live video training which is available at all times. The weekly live training is done through a webinar on Friday afternoon at 5.00 pm Canadian time and is a very popular feature.

All live recordings are archived for those who aren’t able to attend the webinars.

At WA they believe the best way to learn is to do and courses are designed to be delivered in bite-sized chunks with simple tasks at the end of each lesson. Members are encouraged to do each and every task before moving on.

This interactive/applied knowledge approach has proved a very successful way of teaching and learning.

New members, including free starter members (see membership details and levels below), have instant access to the incredible resources available at Wealthy Affiliate. You will find that, while pretty intense, lessons are designed for easy navigation with simplified tasks that will NOT’t overwhelm.

You can work as fast or as slow as you want – the lessons will always be there for you to refer back to.

There are two affiliate training courses available:

#1 The Online Entrepreneur Certificate – a step-by-step process to building a successful business.

The best place to start your training; this course is all-encompassing for any niche you choose.

Broken up into 5 bite-sized chunks each with 10 lessons and a number of tasks:

  • Getting Started – 10 lessons and 28 tasks.
  • Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website – 10 lessons and 35 tasks. More on building website follows further down
  • Making Money – 10 lessons and 28 tasks.
  • Mastering Social Engagement – 10 lessons and 34 tasks.
  • Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation – 10 lessons and 36 tasks.

At the end of every lesson members are encouraged to ask questions in the Q&A section to get 100% clarity before moving on to the next lesson.

#2 Affiliate Bootcamp – for promoting the Wealthy Affiliate program.

Best tackled after you understand the basics covered in the previous course but many members jump right in and prove successful – so don’t be shy to take this on if you don’t have a specific niche.

Once again the course is presented in manageable chunks each with 10 lessons and tasks to complete.

  • Getting Your Business Rolling – 10 lessons and 30 tasks.
  • Content, Keywords and Conversion – 10 lessons and 30 tasks.
  • Giving Your Site Social Value – 10 lessons and 29 tasks.
  • Get Visual. Get Aesthetic. Get a Brand Through Media -10 lessons and 26 tasks.
  • Knowing Your Audience and Catapulting Your Referrals -10 lessons and 29 tasks.
  • Bing, Yahoo and the Power of PPC – 10 lessons and 32 tasks.
  • How to Scale Successful PPC Campaigns – 10 lessons and 30 tasks.

At the end of every lesson members are encouraged to ask questions in the Q&A section to get 100% clarity before moving on to the next lesson.

For the very successful Wealth Affiliate promoters there is an annual convention held in Las Vegas with all expenses paid. Wouldn’t you like to get there?

And in case you were wondering if Wealthy Affiliate is …


I think it is obvious from the volume and level of the training on offer that Wealthy Affiliate do not ever profess to be a “get-rich-quick” scheme.

To be successful you need to apply what is taught – do that and success is not only guaranteed but inevitable and long-lasting.

Moving on to some exciting (and sometimes scary) stuff …

Wealthy Affiliate WordPress Websites – you’ll need one.

Now will probably be a good time to touch on website building – an area that seems to terrify all of us and with good reason.

It’s long been a place for only the technically savvy and code writing geeks to venture into. For that reason you may have stayed well clear of trying to build your will NOT website.

But things have moved on since those times and these days WordPress, with thousands of themes (looks) on offer and plug-ins to make things easier, is the most popular and easiest (it really is easy) way to build a website in no time at all.

And with Wealthy Affiliate it can all be done through the “Site Builder” – yet another feature on offer.

A Wealthy Affiliate University Review - the WordPress website dashboard

The Websites section of WA is designed so that you can manage all your sites from one area. You can have up to 50 domains – 25 of your own choosing and a further 25 on SiteRubix.com – it’s all managed for you from within your WA dashboard and another one of the many reasons so many of us stay here forever.

The Internet is continually evolving and you need a site that can grow with you and it’s reassuring to know that Wealthy Affiliate keeps up with all changes for us. Without this help I am absolutely certain that there is much that would slip past me and result in my site not performing. With WA in control I have no such problems.

I must take this opportunity to add that the 24/7 “Site Support” is without a doubt the best in the universe – you can expect and will receive top-notch service very promptly. I really cannot say enough about the team at site support – they are truly outstanding and just what you need when starting on your business and even once you are established as technical hitches occur when you least expect it.

At WA you will come to learn that there are many factors that affect your sites performance and ultimately your ratings.

If you are trying to manage it all alone it is daunting and often you have to wait for others to get back to you with solutions – that can be a slow process if you are in a different time zone to those you are dealing with.

To be efficient and to have your website performing at it’s best you need:

  • A website that is easy to use
  • A site that is properly encrypted
  • A website that loads quickly
  • Excellent site management
  • Advanced features and plug-ins
  • Good Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Exceptional technical support
  • A site that encourages and receives on page community engagement from your readers via comments.

That’s just a few of the things you will need – all of which are expertly handled by the team at Wealthy Affiliate.

With Wealthy Affiliate you get two free sites hosted as a starter member (free membership) and as a paid Premium member you get up to 50 sites hosted – all included in your monthly membership fee of $49.00.

The hosting alone is better, and worth much more, than many of the hosting programs on offer at over $200.00 per month. It’s all included at no extra cost with WA. Yet another reason to be a lifetime member.

The Wealthy Affiliate Toolbox

To make life even easier for the members wealthy affiliate provides an array of tools which are massive time savers.

Being efficient with your time is one of the biggest stumbling blocks that one will face – there is just so much to do and keep up with that it becomes a matter of catching up instead of keeping ahead.

You could spend hours, and sometimes days searching, on the internet for the best tools to make your life easier and more efficient. Yes you will likely find some great tools out there but besides the time it takes you to do so you may also land up spending a small fortune to access them.

Wealthy Affiliate University has all the tools you need – a complete Affiliate Marketing Toolbox in one at no extra cost and zero up sells!

Is there another site that can make this claim? Certainly none that I know of.

Your main functions with your online/affiliate business will be building websites, researching keywords and niches, writing and publishing posts, testing and optimizing your website’s performance and your SEO campaigns.

Tools to do all this are provided within Wealthy Affiliate, tools that will allow you to free up literally 100’s of hours of your precious time.

I think you will benefit from a bit more detail of the tools you get at Wealthy Affiliate.

These are in addition to the website building tools and are tools that will help optimize your site with great content to ensure high rankings:

Jaaxy Keyword and Niche Research Tool.

I don’t think one can truly say what tool is the best at WA as they all play an important part to keep your business running. One of my favorites though has to be the Jaaxy keyword tool which I touched on in my opening paragraph.

Jaaxy is the world’s most advanced and sophisticated keyword and niche research tool for affiliate marketers and is in fact more than just one tool.

There are a range of secondary tools that all work together to save you time and effort.


A Wealthy Affiliate University Review screenshot of the Jaaxy Keyword tool dashboard


With Jaaxy you can save keyword lists for later use, monitor your site’s performance/ranking, analyze your competition (who said the cold war was over?), brainstorm ideas, select prime domains, find affiliate programs (very useful) to name the most common uses.


A Wealthy Affiliate University Review - a screenshot of the Jaaxy tool bar within Jaaxy


Jaaxy can also be promoted by affiliates providing yet another option to earn money by introducing others to this amazing tool.

WordPress Website Management Tool

Another fantastic tool is the WordPress website management tool that helps you keep on top of your sites at all times.


A Wealthy Affiliate University Review screenshot of the WordPress website management section


This amazing tool will let you know:

  • when you are falling behind on posting content,
  • the site’s loading speed,
  • quality of the content you are posting,
  • plug-in issues,
  • site trust (as determined by Google),
  • site ranked or not and
  • a host of other stuff.

Red bars are an indication that the site needs work in specific areas. We want to see green bars people – green bars are an indication that you are working consistently and doing all the right things.

Clicking on “View Details” brings the following page up.


A Wealthy Affiliate University Review the website management section showing what needs attention and what is good and improving


You can quickly determine what needs to be done.

The site above is a new site I started working on recently and clearly needs a lot of work. With the help of this tool I know exactly what I need to concentrate on.

Site Content – making content writing a breeze

One of the fears most often expressed by new affiliate marketers is their fear of writing.

It’s a natural fear that almost everyone seems to have and WA have once again made life easier by providing us with a Site Content page that provides you with very simple and easy to follow templates. It is literally like painting with numbers.

The post you are reading right now was written in Site Content using the “Keyword Rich Content Page” template.


A Wealthy Affiliate University Review here showing quick links to the site content templates and posts you are working on


In addition to the templates you can set goals and keep track of your daily, weekly and monthly goals.

The system is geared to keep you on schedule with what needs to be done to get you to where you want to be based on the goals you have set.

Ongoing Coaching

In addition to the set courses described earlier there is a lot of coaching available within Wealthy Affiliate.

The community are a great help with tons of coaching courses having been produced over the years – using the search function you can search for anything and chances are there will be a course on it.

One-on-one coaching is available from whoever introduced you to Wealthy Affiliate and Kyle and Carson the founder members are there to coach too.

Reach out and ask individual members, the community as a group or in live chat and help will be at hand in no time at all.

The coaching encompasses:

  • Content marketing
  • SEO Strategies
  • PPC (Pay Per Click)
  • Social media marketing
  • YouTube marketing

Every Friday afternoon Jay Neill, WA’s full time training guru, broadcasts a live coaching session from Canada. Subjects vary according to what WA feel the members are asking the most questions about or they may be about changes that have occurred within internet affiliate marketing.

You can even watch Jay select a niche and build out a site from scratch and then follow the sites progress each week as he continues to add content. These site building webinars are fascinating and very motivational. Jay is a very clever operator and keeps things simple – something we are all encouraged to do at WA because simple works.

Being live sessions they very interactive and end with his “World Famous, Award Winning, Question and Answer Session”.

The Million Dollar Question Everyone Asks …

“How soon and how much can I expect to earn?”

Sorry to have to disappoint you folks but there is no definitive answer to this question as there are so many variables – the main one being you!

  • The niche you choose.
  • You ability to learn and apply.
  • How hard you choose to work.

Overnight success stories are very rare but there are a lot of very successful people at WA who have pushed through the times when there was no light at the end of the tunnel. You will probably experience this exact same thing but if you persevere and follow what is taught there will come a time when you make that magical first sale.

It could be after the first month or the third but more than likely it will take at least 6 months of continual work before you start seeing results reflected in dollars. Before that though you will definitely see tangible results such as your site being indexed and your posts moving up the rankings.

Revealing personal incomes to brag is not what Wealthy Affiliate is all about.

Where members do reveal snippets of earnings they are usually there to encourage people to keep pushing through as the rewards will come.

Just this morning someone posted on how his YouTube account is now paying him over $2,000.00 per month from YouTube Adsense. But it took him a while to get there.

Hang on I’ll go find the pose and paste it here.

Read the full story of BenjisDad’s YouTube success.

Dylan (see screen shot below) built a site last year and sold it for $40,000 – cost him about $13.00 and a lot of work. He did this in addition to his regular affiliate marketing business and the sale of the site was extra.

I just went looking for his story and discovered that he recently sold a second to the same guy for $30,000.

Here’s the blog on his latest site sale.


A Wealthy Affiliate University Review - one of the many success posts by Dylan Rieger

The second part of his post continues below:


There are hundreds of these motivational posts from real people scattered throughout WA.

Here’s another from one of our most senior members – Eddy (with a Y) always seems to have time to help others.


A Wealthy Affiliate University Review another success story from Eddy with a 'Y"


Do you need more proof?

If so head over to Wealthy Affiliate and register for free and take a look around

There are also lots of posts from frustrated members who haven’t cracked it yet so expect those – it happens to all of us.

But the over-riding story is “PRESS ON” success will surely follow.

Membership Levels – Too Good to Be True

I’m going to start wrapping this up and want to end with the membership levels because I want to clear any misconceptions you may have about WA.

When something seems too good to be true it usually is – right?

Well in WA’s case, as hard as it is to believe, it is true.

Wealthy Affiliate have so much belief in their trainging that they are not only happy for you to “try-before-you-buy”, they actively encourage it and so you have two choices of membership.

Choice #1 – Free Membership

Yes that is absolutely correct – you can join for free and stay a free member for as long as you choose.

Should you decide to do this I highly recommend you spend the first week immersing yourself in as much of the site as possible.

That first week is important because after 7 days some of the features, such as live chat, will be turned off and access will be limited. A week of looking around should be more than enough to convince you this is the real deal – if you agree it is (and why wouldn’t you?) well we would love to have you on board and see you succeed online

As a free member you will still be able to do the first 10 lessons in your own time and will have 1 free website hosted for you.

If you choose not to continue either as a free member or as a Premium (paying) member and cancel your free account you will not be able to come back as a free member. Of course, you can return but only as a full paying (premium) member.

As a free member you are entitled to have 1 website hosted at WA for free.  This could be the on the “site.rubix” platform that WA offers or a domain that you own.

Choice #2 – Premium membership

Once you have tried the free membership and find that this is the business for you the next step is to convert to a Premium member.

As a premium member you have full access to everything that WA has to offer for as long as you continue to be a member.

All the training and all the tools are yours to use at your own pace.

I do want to point out that there is an upgraded version of Jaaxy if you feel the Jaaxy Lite is insufficient for your needs. I don’t have the upgrade as I find Jaaxy Lite is sufficient for my needs.

If you cancel your membership at any time the same restriction applies on rejoining – it will be at premium level or not at all.

Premium membership is available at a monthly rate of $49.00 and a yearly rate of $495.00 (a saving of 2 months subscriptionover the monthly option).

You can cancel anytime you want with no questions asked – except I would ask why would you?

The point is you are not locked in – unlike Hotel California.

Too good?


As a premium member your subscription includes hosting for up to 10 sites – either domains you own yourself or you can include in your 10 websites “site.rubix” domains offered for free by Wealthy Affiliate University.

Bonuse that come with premium member sign-up:

  • Free .com Domain ($14 value),
  • 100 Community Credits these can be used fr any number of things within WA – such as requesting comments, buying domains etc. Community credits can also be earned.
  • Bonus Live Class (AMA With Kyle, Succeeding in 2020)

Membership Fees and Benefits … by far the best on the planet!

Here’s what you pay and what you get for the two types of membership.
And don’t forget an annual subscription of $495.00 equates to 10 months of monthly – effectively giving you two free months.


This is excellent value for money and doesn’t even really begin to explain the benefits of being part of the WA community.

It’s Open Day – Take a Walk Through The Campus

I would love to see you join Wealthy Affiliate and create a successful online business. The feeling of helping others reach their goals and attain their dreams is hard to beat.

I really do care about you and want you to make the right choice – if you’ve read this far I am sure you are impressed with what is on offer.

Why not take a walk through the “campus” – it’s free to look (and even take part in some of the lessons)?

  • Meet some of the more than 1 million students from around the world.
    They’re a mixed bunch – some will be rising, others on lunch, some heading off to bed but most will be hard at work creating an online business.
  • Chat to the freshmen, the professors and the graduates (be sure to say hello to me and to Kyle and Carson and other seniors who are all there to help you). Ask questions of them all and discover what an active helpful bunch they all are.
  • Drop in on any of the active classrooms – choose from getting started, selecting a niche, building a website, SEO training, Keyword mastery, content writing, PPC training and a whole bunch more.
  • A visit to the library, with its extensive collection of tutorials, success stories, video training and past live training videos, is an absolute “MUST” – you’ll be entertained for hours.  And what’s more access is available 24/7.

Wealthy Affiliate is unique in that members are not focused entirely on money – let’s not kid ourselves the money is a very pleasant spin off for helping others.

The founders of WA themselves are not focused on how much money they can make out of their members but rather how they can make members more successful within their respective businesses/niches.

WA has never been a business about making as much money out of it’s members as possible – the price of membership is now lower than it was at launch in 2005 but with way more benefits. And it get’s better every day.

Don’t take my word for it, after all we just met.

Ask any of the members you meet as you stroll through campus and they will confirm that the WA platform is the best in the world for Internet Affiliate Marketers and Online entrepreneurs – and definitely the best value for money out there.

The only thing WA is missing is a football team – but that doesn’t hold anyone back!

Ready for that walk?


Take a walk through the campus - click for access


Step 1: Register as a free starter member by clicking on the image above.

Step 2: Spend some time looking around and familiarising yourself with the layout.
On the left-hand side of your dashboard you will see a Get Started Here button. Click on there and jump right in.

Step 3: I’ll reach out to you almost immediately – I am here to help you with any queries you have.
And if you find me asleep in little old New Zealand when you need help (happens often) reach out to Kyle or Carson and the community.
You can always contact me (Bald Eagle) through my profile or by private message.

Step 4: Ask questions.
There are no stupid questions at Wealthy Affiliate – so ask!

Step 5. Trust the process and above all – Have fun!

Anytime you need help please reach out.

Finally, if you have any questions at all about this review, WA in general, want to offer your own personal experiences with any affiliate program you have come across, or you have any questions/feedback about the online business world, please let me know below and I will be more than happy to answer them.

I’ll get back to you real quick – I promise.

Looking forward to meeting you during your walk.

6 responses to “A Wealthy Affiliate University Review – The Largest University in the World Without a Campus”

  1. Hi Lawrence
    What an informative review of Wealthy Affiliate. I joined in October 2018 and find there is still more for me to learn from this awesome platform.
    We never stop learning and that is one of the joys of WA, Carson and Kyle ensure that we stay in sync with whatever online developments and advancements are available, even the latest Google algorithm changes. I am grateful to have found WA!
    Blessings to you

    • Hello again Louise –
      I am delighted that you have been exploring the site.

      The real beauty about affiliate marketing (and the Internet in general) is that it is continuously evolving and so we have to too.

      Kyle and Carson have from day 1 of Wealthy Affiliate University stuck to the premise that to serve people will be rewarded by Google and this has proved to be right time and time again.
      Doing exactly what they teach has always complied with Google’s goals and none of the Google Algorithm changes have ever negatively impacted on Wealthy Affiliate students if they have stuck to the training.

      It says a lot for the smarts of these two young guys who, at a very young age, were smart enough to realise that the goal is a long term sustainable business and that making money quickly was (and is) not the way to go.

      Thanks for stopping by – I wish you all the success with your business.


    • Hey there – No Name (why is that?) 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by – glad you like the post and want to join.
      It’s easy enough to join by clicking any of the links in the post or you can click this link.
      Be sure to look me up when you are registered as a free or paying member and I will help you wherever I can.

      I look forward to following your journey to success.

  2. Lawrence i am so happy i came across this. I am also Zimbabwean and i was loosing hope as most websites don’t recognize Zim
    thank you so excited to get going

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